Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society

Oral Histories

39 records in this section.

07 July 2005

A. Clarence Sampson

29 November 2001

Ralph Saul

02 November 2005

Mary Schapiro

Video: 4.33

From 1988 to 1993, Mary Schapiro served as SEC Commissioner. In 1993, President Bill Clinton appointed Schapiro Acting Chairman of the SEC, then appointed her Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in 1994. In 1996 she joined the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) (now the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) as the president of NASD Regulation. In 2006 she became NASD's Chairman and CEO. In January 2009 she became the SEC's 29th SEC Chairman. After leaving the SEC, Schapiro joined Promontory Financial Group in 2013 as Advisory Board Vice Chairman. She was one of the founding Trustees of the SEC Historical Society.

05 May 2004

Carl Schneider

14 February 2006

Walter Schuetze

22 March 2006

David Silver - Part I

  • - Part 1
  • - Part 2
  • - Part 3
  • edited transcript (pdf)
21 April 2006

David Silver - Part II

  • - Part 1
  • - Part 2
  • - Part 3
  • edited transcript (pdf)
23 February 2009

George Simon

25 February 2008

David Sirignano

29 April 2015

Erik Sirri

22 June 2011

Mark Sisitsky

Made possible through the support of Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
19 June 2002

Richard Smith

16 April 2013

David W. Smith

16 June 2011

Marianne Smythe

01 October 2001

A.A. Sommer, Jr.

04 April 2005

Theodore Sonde

19 July 2006

Ira Lee Sorkin

04 May 2017

Chester Spatt

18 February 2009

Lee Spencer

23 September 2003

Stanley Sporkin

17 September 2013

Cecile Srodes

09 June 2016

Paul Schott Stevens

03 December 2009

Donald Stone

18 April 2006

Robert Strahota

26 January 2011

Donald Strauber

07 November 2013

Jean Gleason Stromberg

14 July 2006

John Sturc

13 April 2011

Jerry Sullivan

14 August 2003

Libbey Sussan

14 June 2005

Michael Sutton

04 October 2013

Barbara Sweeney

19 April 2006

Ethiopis Tafara

02 April 2014

Christopher Taylor - Part I

16 April 2014

Christopher Taylor - Part II

10 September 2013

Linda Chatman Thomsen

July 15, 2019

Wallace L. Timmeny

Wallace “Wally” Timmeny served in several positions at the SEC from 1965 – 1979, from assistant director in the Criminal Reference and Special Proceedings unit of the Division of Trading and Markets under Irving Pollack to Deputy Director of the SEC’s newly-created Enforcement Division under Stanley Sporkin. During his tenure, he led the SEC’s early efforts to combat municipal securities fraud, was a key player in the Enforcement Division’s famous “voluntary program,” and had first-hand experience with Sporkin’s ‘access theory’ regarding the role of lawyers, accountants and other ‘gatekeepers’ in enforcement cases.

16 September 2005

Francis Trainor

16 June 2005

Lynn Turner

February 10, 2020

Lynn Turner

Lynn E. Turner, B.A. M.A. C.P.A., served as Chief Accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission from July 1998 to August 2001. Mr. Turner was actively involved in the legislative process leading up to passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. In 2007, U.S. Department of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson appointed Mr. Turner to the Treasury Committee on the Auditing Profession. Prior to the SEC, Mr. Turner spent 20 years with Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC). He previously held positions as vice president and chief financial officer of an international semiconductor company as well as Professor of Accounting at Colorado State University. Mr. Turner has served on boards of public companies and also has served as trustee of a mutual fund and $40 billion pension fund.

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