Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society


1 to 41 of 41 records

January 20, 2010
transcript pdf (Courtesy of Norman Poser)
February 26, 2010
image pdf (Government Records)
March 31, 2010
Report of Investigation, SEC Office of Inspector General: Investigation of the SEC's Response to Concerns Regarding Robert Allen Stanford's Alleged Ponzi Scheme (redacted)

(Government Records)

May 7, 2010
transcript pdf (Courtesy of Harvey Pitt)
May 18, 2010
image pdf (Government Records)
May 20, 2010
image pdf (Government Records)
June 1, 2010
image pdf (Courtesy of Zoe-Vanna Palmrose)
June 17, 2010
image pdf (Courtesy of the William J. Clinton Library)
July 2010
image pdf (Courtesy of and made possible through the support of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation)
July 12, 2010
image pdf
September 30, 2010
image pdf (Government Records)
March 14, 2011
image pdf
May 16, 2011
image pdf (Courtesy of the Financial Accounting Foundation Library)
August 22, 2011
image pdf (Government Records)
September 27, 2011
image pdf (Government Records)
October 5, 2011
image pdf (Government Records)
November 2011
Silver Screen: How Films Shape Public Perception of Financial Regulation in the 20th and 21st Centuries - Loren E. Miller
January 6, 2012
image pdf (Courtesy of Stuart Kaswell)
March 2012
image pdf (Courtesy of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)
June 30, 2012
image pdf (SEC Historical Society files)
July 25, 2012
image pdf
January 10, 2013
image pdf
January 10, 2013
image pdf
May 2013
image pdf (Courtesy of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)
May 2013
image pdf (Courtesy of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)
June 2013
image pdf (Courtesy of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)
July 20, 2013
image pdf
October 12, 2013
transcript pdf (Courtesy of Lawrence Newman)
December 30, 2013
image pdf (2014 Writing Award)
February 2014
image pdf (Courtesy of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission)
February 20, 2014
transcript pdf (Courtesy of Peter J. Romeo)
April 23, 2014
image pdf (Courtesy of Dorsey & Whitney LLP)
June 10, 2014
image pdf (Courtesy of the Financial Accounting Foundation Library)
June 27, 2014
image pdf (Courtesy of the Financial Accounting Foundation Library)
December 13, 2014
image pdf (2015 Writing Award)
document pdf (Courtesy of David Ruder)
May, 2016 (Revised March 10, 2017)
transcript pdf
image pdf
September 25, 2017
image pdf
November 8, 2018
edited transcript pdf (Courtesy of Practising Law Institute)
February 8, 2019
document pdf (Courtesy of Joe Sullivan)

1 to 41 of 41 records


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